I belong to some interesting technology groups, which, pre pandemic, would meet on a regular basis, conduct a bit of club business if needed, and then enjoy informal technical discussions and lots of "show & tells".
Then we switched to online Zoom meetings, suddenly meetings weren't so interesting. Some members are struggling to get used to new online technologies, some only have tiny screens, some discipline is required so as not to interrupt others when talking, the "whisper to your neighbour" doesn't work anymore, Show & Tells don't work as well....
Attendance at meetings dropped off, since they weren't as much fun, or as easy to attend. Something had to be done!
Some groups didn't seem to have this problem; those groups usually had a more extensive agenda, with prepared topics, presentations, speakers. They learned how to make better use of the presentation techniques that work well on Zoom, rather than informal methods of talking while trying to hold something up to your camera, in focus, and held still....
I'm on the executive of one group that had this attendance problem. We decided to organize one significant presentation for each monthly meeting throughout last winter, and so we each volunteered to do one of these. I volunteered to do one on the topic of "Batteries", since we use them extensively in this group (building and flying model airplanes). I've attached the PDF version of that presentation here, for reference. Questions welcome.
Hobby Battery Presentation