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Saturday, 13 August 2016

MS Mail confusion...

Email is an important part of our ability to communicate, stay in touch, do business, and more.  So it would seem that MS would provide stable, functional email clients for it's Windows OS, no?  Although I am comfortable with Linux and Android variants (among others), my everyday desktop PC is Windows based.  I am a fan of client email apps, partly to allow me some control over storage and back-up of enduring email threads.  Maybe it's my IT background, but I don't have complete confidence in "the cloud" to look after the security and privacy of everything.

In the beginning of my GUI-based email experience, there was Outlook Express.  A reasonable email client, and worked in a similar manner to the work-based full Outlook.  It ran for a long time, but then there was warnings of EOL, and occasional problems, and new problems, and many encouragements from MS to switch.  The client du jour was Windows Live Mail.  After some checking and testing, I switched.  Eventually, it worked in an acceptable manner, although not without lots of issues along the way.  But it had been stable for several years, and we had learned to get along.

Wash rinse, repeat...  Troubles started to appear with Live email.  Lost emails, synch problems, strange freezes, the need to restart the app, or the OS...  The warnings about EOL started to appear.  The switch to WIN10 didn't help.  The many encouragements from MS to switch again began, this time to Windows Mail, included with WIN10.  I resisted the approach for a while, but finally decided anything would be better than the Live Email problems.  So after doing some due diligence on this new Mail program, I switched....

Initially, it looked like just another learning curve.  What was wrong with the last mail user interface, that MS decided I had to experience a completely different one, not intuitive at all?  And, btw, what happened to that local storage method I liked so much?  Seems the only easy solution (??) was to move all those local nicely categorized emails back out to an email server!!

So I gradually got used to doing things the 'new' way, and we developed a moderately comfortable existence.

Then I discovered "Auto Capitalization"!!!  (something sent as all lower case, that needed to be used that way, got Capitalized!)  wtf?  I didn't ask for this, no other email client ever did this, and, afaik, there is no way to turn it off!!  (the suggestions in various blogs don't work, and a LOT of people are asking how....)

MS, you need to step up your act a bit here...

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